Saturday, May 29, 2021

fruit salad?

we've had about an inch and a quarter of rainfall in the past two days and the temperature has cooled ( it's in the mid fifties [fahrenheit] down from the eighties earlier in the week )...still, things are moving along...
the new york imports in my truck and in the beds are working on their one batch of berries for 2021...
the natives will be doing this until october at least...
the concord grape crop is looking promising this season...frankly any harvest would be an improvement on last year...we will se how the season works out...
the seedless crop, should it come to fruition, will definitely be a smaller one...then again, this is the first year since they were planted that they have even considered producing...again, anything would be an improvement...
and out on the mulberry trees the drupes are early fruit, they will be second in line after the berries...look for the grapes to take their time...there may be moose berries...there may far a few leaves is all we have...let's be grateful for that...after all it took the seedless grapes five years of preparation before they took the first step...
i am alert to the fact that rye and wheat are grains, not's also my blog and my grain so they're here anyway.

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