Sunday, August 11, 2019

dry beds and seeds

the weather has been seasonably warm and dry and when i got to the garden after work today the lawn was showing the effects...
unfortunately the beds were showing it as well...both the soil...
and some of the vegetation...
both the maize and the zea mays mexicana have curled leaves from transpiration...what caught my attention as i looked at the teocintli leaves however...
was rather a large number of very green seeds exposed on the stems...
and a tangle of silks all down the stem and tillers promised more...which is pleasing...there is a maize ancestor in full bore reproduction on campus...
the michigan purple spuds were dona and the plant produced nine and three eights ounces of tubers...i have not done the math yet but this will doubtlessly being the average yield own...such is agriculture...or gardening...
the carolina horse nettle carries on its relentless blooming...
the alfalfa has surely put its health issues behind it and is blooming robustly...
and on the subject of recovery...this is a mildly unfocused photo of the hot hungarian pepper's response to drier weather...blooms and a fully fledged pepper...there should be more campus news in a week.

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