Monday, August 26, 2019

nascent autumn

it may bo only the twenty-sixth of august but the weather is redolent of autumn with temperatures in the upper sixties ( fahrenheit ) and two tenths of an inch of rain with more forecast it seems more like latter september...and the population around the yard, for the most part, is showing it...
ears of maize to feed the squirrels are popping out al over the corn patches...
there are silks and ears emerging on the zea mays mexicana as well...fortunately of no interest to the squirrels...
concord grapes are ripening on the vines in the fir and catalpa trees...
the jerusalem artichokes are teeming with their late august blooms...
i am afraid the weather is going to take the moxie right out of the girls...a sad but seemingly necessary cycle...they have worked very hard and there are filled tubes in the bee house as proof of their efforts...another generation in the next summer...
other denizens of the yard ( and associated places ) seem to be ignoring the signals...being both a nightshade and a "weed" the carolina horse nettle ( safely containerized ) in my yard may just be acting normally in blooming at this late date...we will be seeing how long fruits take to appear...there is distance between now and the first frost...they may know what they are doing...
the native berries continue...and will continue until it produce...
and while we are talking berries, remember the new york wild strawberry i planted in my truck five days ago?
it has adapted well and is showing good growth...
and you can tell it likes the neighborhood because there's a stolon going out to create a daughter which come to her own conclusions about reproducing before winter...
down at the crown i find this new growth which i am uncertain stem and leaf? new stolon? we will see in a few days...
not to be outdone the berry's truck bed mate had brought forth a new bloom and has six more buds i counted today...contrary currents all headed fro the same season...the last seasonal gasp of relentless dna.

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