Saturday, August 31, 2019

august thirty-first

it is the last day of august and things are moving along out back and in the mobile garden...the carolina horse nettle is blooming away and more buds are forming so i have hopes of fruits before frost ( and a look at why it is called "nettle" )...
spud row shows definite signs of finishing up...
the concord grapes in the catalpa tree are ripening...harvest very soon...
peppers are maturing...
there are definite seeds afoot in the ears on the zea mays mexicana...
and the largest plant in the row has two tillers that have keeled over in true zea fashion to spread seed away from the parent plant...we will be letting these go unharvested over the autumn and will see if, perhaps, they will germinate in spring...expectations are low here ( mine anyway )...doesn't mean we won't have a look at what happens...even if it isn't much...
aerial bulbs that have "walked" from the egyptian walking onions have begun to sprout...rooting in for winter...
out in the truck bed the new york import i planted a few days ago is doing well and has begun the significant step of producing a new leaf...there may be a berry truck yet...
and the bush bean back there is continuing to produce as well...another bean had sprouted from a blossom...the all natural truck bed lives on...
the bees are busy as well as they prepare for the winter...
and here's one of the girls putting the final touches on another tube of leaf cutter bee cocoons in the bee house...
and showing us why they are called leaf cutters...then full tubes...bess next season...nest up...a trip to campus tomorrow.

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