Sunday, August 25, 2019


when i got to the garden after work and took a hoe to my bed i found the soil as dry as it was two weeks ago...
the maize leaves were curled from transpiration ( aka corn sweat ) which leaves me thinking this garden hasn't seen water since the last rain which was five days i watered...and then took a look around...
from the east side the corn row looks okay...however it is clear that something has been at the west side since last sunday...
the zea mays mexicana down at the south end still has any number of exposed seeds going on...
this week though there are distinct ears emerging from the stems...looking like the forerunners of their descendants...silks and all...
and finally, in my bed, the hungarian hot pepper that was bereft of peppers last week has two going on today...coll for a hot pepper...
wandering around i see that despite the official emphasis on "stewardship" the garden was not only bone dry, parts are looking downright unkempt...not that i am averse to some unstructured planting mind...nature does not plant in straight rows, people do...and open ground is an invitation to all sorts of troubles well beyond what are termed "weeds" i don't find this bed unsightly so much as i am having difficulty discerning what's crop and what's "native plant"...i see barnyard grass and fox tail and lamb's quarters...about the only thing i don't see is carolina horse nettle...
not to worry however...there are still impressive specimens of that all over the west end of the garden...blooming away...fruits soon enough...and...more horse nettle...
we will end on a very positive note though...while photographing sunflowers i found a bevy of leaf cutters and one of them held still long enough for some actual photos to be had...never be unhappy to see a earthworms, they are necessary.

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