Monday, September 3, 2012


i mentioned in an earlier post that i was pretty well convinced that there were jerusalem artichokes growing in the little calumet river prairie and wetlands preserve and that i thought they looked reasonably i sent an email to dr. spencer cortwright here at iun asking him if he had any insights as to why the hawthorn garden sunchokes were so stunted ( second photo ) he pointed out something that had not occurred to me...not only were those jerusalem artichokes exposed to direct sun all day during the worst of the heat and drought this past summer ( although he did say that if i had watered regularly [ which i did ] that this would have ameliorated much of the bad effect of the heat...we'll see at harvest ) but they were also subject to the heat reflected off hawthorn hall's white surface ( top photo )...a double dose so to speak...and something which wasn't even on my will be now...never too old to learn...the third photo is what i believe to be a sawtooth sunflower in the lcp and the fourth is a jerusalem artichoke out in the preserve ( actually right off the back of the north parking lot...i didn't go traipsing through the preserve any more than i stomp through farmer brown's field ) the last photo is of the late sunflower in my backyard about to be fully open...keeping it in the family.

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