Sunday, September 9, 2012

what's eating the eggplants?

the top photo is a rapidly maturing eggplant that is well screened from view by assorted foliage ( both the eggplant and others )...the second photo is of some fruit(?) i found last week and the third is what has become of it...the plants are still flowering ( fourth ) and the last photo shows they're still producing...but something keeps nailing them despite repellant...the fruit(?) is too small to be of much use to humans so i am still pointing at squirrels...there's no real way to grow a garden and avoid predation...hungry critters have to make a living too...the starlings ravaged the winter wheat crop in the pgp earlier this summer ( but not in my back yard which i found odd since i had bird tape up on campus but no such device in my yard...location seems to play a part...luck of the draw...the bird tape worked remarkably well on campus in 2011...but i had a much smaller crop that year...perhaps there is some sort of critical mass of crop size that attracts predators eyes as much research to do ) and the squirrels here at home have drilled my hopi blue maize...plant enough to share would seem to be the wisest strategy.

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