Thursday, July 6, 2017

seeds, sprouts, wheat, and a pickle

there is always something going on in the broadens the mind i am told and i believe that is a fact...however i do believe there is something to be said for microcosm ( the zen precept that if you understand a frog you understand everything applies...why is there consistently more measurable rain in the northwest corner of my yard than the southeast? sorts of eleusinian mysteries everywhere ) and what is classed as "everyday" but is not...i struggle to become native to my back yard...i may feel non-native at times however the ramps are a native species here and the round, green structures in the ramp flower in the first photo are immature seeds...geeked about covers it..the teosinte in the second photo is looking very corny amnd the brussels sprout plant in the background is developing some pronounced sprouts ( third )...the boston pickling cucumber in the fourth photo is ripe for picking ( and was )...the hot banana pepper in the fifth photo is not quite done...another week or so..while the non-native wild strawberries ( sixth ) are ( i hope ) working on establishing roots...wheat got here with the columbian exchange and it is clearly non-native...the hard red spring wheat in the last three photos is clearly ripening quickly in the heat ( 90 degrees fahrenheit today ...right now in fact ) and will be done...possibly by the weekend..a harvest soon enough and then...threshing ans are invited to join is an enjoyable experience..i promise.

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