Saturday, August 30, 2014

plant/replant perennials ( and an exception )

when i dug up the russet potato plant that was a volunteer from last season i discovered it had volunteered again ( top photo ) so i cleaned out a container, drilled more drainage holes ( second photo )...tossed in some fresh soil and compost and planted it for the winter seed potato project ( third and fourth photos ) parker likes russets so we can get a fair amount of seed for her to plant in the community garden next spring...while i was out there i noticed the yema de huevos plant i put out to grow this summer was nowhere near dying back and had, in fact, produced three new plants...obviously the first plant had set tubers but why were they sprouting at the end of the season...well...i learn stuff every day in the garden ( universe in microcosm )and today is no exception...turns out that yema de huevos ( which are a direct ancestor of yukon golds....just saying ) are classified as solanum tuberosum group phureja...why? because they produce tubers that do not go dormant...they would not winter over outside and come up next spring because as soon as the tubers reach a critical size they sprout...this would explain why they were already well sprouted when the potato introduction station package containing them arrived at my door and why they refused to stop sprouting after last fall's harvest...they are grown in temperate regions o0f the andean climate gradient where year-round cultivation is possible...i am smarter today because i went out in the yard...imagine that.

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