Saturday, October 12, 2013

helianthus appendix

the stand of winter wheat is doing well and should be in good shape when its growth resumes in the spring after its dormant period ( providing there is one )...wheat grass and spring wheat will go in in late march or early april about potato planting time...the broccoli seed pods are maturing but they are still green on the bottom...couple of weeks yet before they are ready to harvest...they should pretty much fall off into your hands, any resistance form the stem and you should leave them for a bit longer...some of the yellow peas are changing color form their juvenile green to a ripening yellow...saving seeds form the green manures would be a plus for the garden next fall and another bit of sustainability by helping to close nutrient cycles...the strawberries are definitely beginning to go dormant...the mulching season is near and there will be a process involving straw ( not hay ) and row cover fabric...then some thought over the winter on a method to make them more accessible to humans while still keeping the critters out...more on both as things progress.

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