Wednesday, June 30, 2021

a leaner, quinoa, missing bean, and a small toad

made a maintenace run out to the portage garden this morning and things are going fairly well...
there was a leaner in the maize row...
so i righted it and gave it ( and the rest of the bed ) a dressing of compost...
three of the six maize plants have tillered...i am thinking the purple flints...and so multiple ears are a possibility...something to look for later in summer...
the beans seem well with a couple of latecomers popping up...which is just as well...
since this particular bean has been thoroughly gnawed...guessing a rabbit...
the quinoa is looking a bit overwatered...rain continues although the forecast calls for a dry weekend...beyond that it seems to have taken to its new home fairly well and did not especialy shock from being moved from home...the weather helped in that despite the yellowing...rain as pharmakon...
the spuds are verdant and...seemingly...willing to cohabit with the marigolds someone has seen fit to plant along the borders of my bed ( it wasn't me...i have my suspicions )...odd how nothing consumes marigolds and bees treat them as famine food...they might land on them in october when everything else has vanished...but not in june...
finally, back at home the weather seems to have brought out a muiltiplicity of small toads around the rocks that form the border for the mulch at the back of the house...this one caught my eye when i saw a blade of errant grass in the much an index of relative size, that is a disintegrating maple seed it is having a rest by...i did say small.


  1. Marigolds are a good thing to border veggies with??

  2. Marigolds are a good thing to border with??

  3. there is some debate, however i am told they deter white flies and nematodes at the very least...the smell alone is enough to deter me...this is, of course, subjective opinion...make your own call on this...
