Thursday, June 3, 2021

bed 1

i have admittedly been neglecting my bed in the portage communuity garden...that ended today ( albiet in a somewhat less than satisfactory way which was no fault of the garden's and which we will get to )...
i turned the bed and worked it with a hoe to break up the soil and native growth roots...
i then spread ( and here comes the dissatifaction ) 160 pounds of organic top soil...the local "home improvement store " was completely berift of bagged compost and even worm castings so i was reduced to this inferior subsitute...clearly we wil be dressing the bed with compost from home...and finding another garden center...obcviously this one believes gardening ends at the beginning of june...and turned that in, raking the bed as level as i could...
i utilized a fifth bag to make a low corn hill alnog the north end of the bed and planted some hierloom flint maize...there will be beans when the corn is tall enough to become a trellis...and compost dressing...
on the south side of the bed i planted ten spuds from my basement which were loudly telling me it was time...since the were so well chited i planted them deeply and will be hilling them until they are done to try to develop more tubers...with that i done i packed up and headed over to 35th & washington to the cmapus garden to water and see what was up...more on that a bit later.

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