Tuesday, June 8, 2021

there's always maintenance

there was much more to do and see at the campus garden this morning...
the spud in the corner of my bed by the einkorn wheat is near to blooming...
while some carolina horse nettle has accomplished it first...
three surviving teosinte plants are well...
and the two spuds up under the alfalfa are holding their own...
that unruly ( which is exactly its natural behavior ) alfalfa was one reason for this trip...this is not my back yard so containment was necessary...
i brought along some garden stakes and drove four in around the perementer of the plants...
and with the help of some sisal twine i defined some boundaries...they will turn up towards the sun again...and they may try to escape...there will be a need for vigilance...
this accomplished i moved to the asparagus and pounded in three more garden stakes to augment the single one i used last trip...
using somewhat heavier-duty twine...
i didn't so much contain the asparagus...
as give it some needed support...that middle stake is bearing a lot of the load and may need to be reinforced...thinking we are not through here just yet...
a by-product of asparagus support will be increased sunlight for the cow peas...
which were coming long fine anyway...the added light can only help...we had two tenths of an inch of rain yesterday ( by my raing gauges at home ) and the beds were moist enough that watering wasn't a necessity...i will be back thursday...my "offical" watering day to have another look and act as needed then.

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