Sunday, September 1, 2013

maize ancestors and green manures

it rained here pretty well yesterday and may do so again today so it seemed like an auspicious time to put in some green i mixed up a rhizobia slurry and planted some seeds where i had recently harvested some beets and kohlrabi ( and if you look off to the left of the second photo you can see some squirrel destroyed hopi blue that i haven't cleaned up yet...let the damned squirrels do it )...this is next season on the hoof as i recharge the soil for pole beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, kohlrabi, radishes, and whatever else occurs to me beyond corn and potatoes ( squirrels in the first case and the need for a three year rotation for potato patches and i have only two suitable no spuds at home in 2014 )there are still a few yukon golds to dig out there but the last big harvest of the back yard season will be jerusalem artichokes and that's not til next month...the teosinte plants in the fourth photo are over seven feet tall now and flowering like there's no tomorrow...experience informs me that the new growth coming out of the axils on the branches is where there will eventually be ears of seeds...just like the domesticate of this plant, is the first of september an the teosinte is well along in its season...i don't think we will beat the frost with mature seeds...but ...barring some unforeseen catastrophe we will see seeds...there will surely be more to this sotory...stay tuned if you're interested.

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