Saturday, June 15, 2013


the stolons i pinned down in the strawberry bed on thursday have turned upward and begun to root ( top photo )...two new plants on the way in the bed...that plant in the corner has sent a third stolon out towards the exterior of bed( second photo )...i will be training it into a pot outside the bed just because it is so determined...if anyone wants to give an ever-bearing strawberry plant a new home in a few weeks drop me a line...the second plant has put out another runner toward the interior of the bed...but in an adverse direction ( third photo ) i pointed it in a more likely direction and pinned it (fourth photo ) to keep it directed...i was careful to keep the tip of the stolon off the soil and will do so until it gets a bit longer to insure proper spacing for the daughter plant it will produce...and they are producing...there will be some large berries when they's hoping the netting does its job ( and that this gardener has put it up in a way that allows it to )

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