Monday, May 5, 2014

cinco de mayo

the jerusalem artichokes in the community garden have been joined by the ones in the back...they have found the sun in increasing numbers and the lemon balm and creeping charlie that thinks it will be colonizing the sunchoke bed are in for something of a setback...soon enough the helianthus tuberosum will be shading out anything that pokes its head need to mulch these for weeds....the black tip wheat in the second photo is beginning to tiller and by early july will be rife with seedheads...the spring wheat in the third photo is following suit and the two relatives seasons should evolve fairly closely temporally..i don't see any dixie clover, but there is a multitude of hairy vetch plants among the winter rye that are setting nitrogen...there is rather a large stand of the green manures and cover crops left out there...there is more planting to do as well so some will be turned under for organic matter for the tomatoes among other things..there are plans to leave something of a stand of them out there however, they will be allowed to flower and go to seed to serves as a source of seed for the other gardens around later in the season as the produce is harvested and the beds prepared for winter...we will be using whatever sites and resources come to hand in an effort to sustain the gardens more locally.

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