Thursday, May 1, 2014

may day in the gardens II

i am still inordinately pleased to find the perennial teosinte back and growing...there are a few new sprouts in the old stand today...even though they seem to be much farther towards the perimeter of the stand than they were last year...and their multiplication is encouraging...when i unmulched the stand i started last season it had already sprouted and the shoots were so "leggy" that i was unsure if they were teosinte or if the wheat grass had invaded the zea's the plants are beginning to look much more like teosinte and the purple coloration of the stem is a dead the newer stand has wintered over as well and that makes me doubly geeked...the asparagus is particularly robust this season...already a dozen spears have been harvested and shared and there are ten more on the rise...when the season is over and i let the plant s"fern" to feed the roots for next year the seven plants usually produce twenty-five spears and the some new purple ones in the autumn as the weather cools...perhaps this season will see a larger population...there is more green in the pgp today as the wheat grass really begins to green..the eastern gamagrass is still a pastel green...where it is green...that will begin its season in earnest next sign of spuds yet...the weather needs to warm a bit...they will be in by month's end.

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